Mr Jaysing Sutar, is no longer working in the organization, it has come to our notice that the said person was extorting money for personal use, from members under the pretext of AMC/ Membership fees by giving them offers or unbelievable deals. Magic Holidays Contact details are 9372869968/9372880015 .

The company has came to know about this fraud and has take appropriate legal action including filing a police complaint at mahim police station.

You are therefore requested to not deal with Mr Sutar & on his Email ID and Mobile No. 9967057090.

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To get in touch with our Customer Relations Team 9372869968 / 9372880015 Office Hours : 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, Monday to Friday (Excepts Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) Write to us for query - Write to us for reservation -

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